Tuesday, April 25, 2006

State of the Links

It's funny, that little column of linkage down the right-hand side of the blog 'neath my pseudo-self-portrait. Of course, I put Dim Bulb in there first because, frankly, I don't want someone reading my blog without the possibility of them clicking over to see some comicky goodness. Even if I'm hardly involved at all anymore. Remember, that's just a temporary thing, anyway.

Next, is the Google News link. I'm not even sure why it's there. It was there when I started the blog, and I guess I just left it. Why? I don't know. Maybe you want to read some news...how should I know?

The next one is where things start falling apart. It seems that when I link a comic, the liklihood of it updating ever again go down at an alarming rate. Pointless hasn't updated since the end of March, which isn't actually that bad, considering. However, Derenge's been spotty with updates throughout his run. Star Bored hasn't updated since the middle of February, though he backdated the last page to the day after its predecessor. Bob does things like that. Following that is Reasoned Cognition. We've had a link to RC for a long time, but since the link moved to the blog, Ryan's had numerous health issues and other things popping up that've messed with his update schedule. Cigarro & Cerveja's actually started updating at a regular pace within the last month or two. Once a week, but regular nonetheless. Darken is going strong. Hooray, Komi. Inverloch has also been going well, though it's not been without it's rough periods for updates. However, recent history has been very good (only one missed update this year, I believe). Schlock Mercenary has never missed an update. Ever. It is the shining beacon of hope in an otherwise dismal link bar. Count Your Sheep has been semi regular and hasn't gone through a week without updating in quite a while either. Adis has made me happy, there. Hopscotch would really have about 3 times as many pages if Levi just updated once a week. But his art is pretty, so what do you want? No Room For Magic is in danger of disappearing entirely...or at least its link is in relation to this blog. Adis started this wonderful project once before and, after getting overwhelmed by too many projects (other than CYS), handed the art chores over to another artist. Fortunately, the replacement was able to carry on the art in a way that had a similar feel to it. Then, the project languished for a year or more. After almost all hope was lost, Adis revived it, once again drawing Magic and her odd little world. This is good yes? Yes, it WAS. Now, he's once again handed the reins to another artist, but this time the difference between the two is jarring. Not to mention that 10 out of the 15 panels that have made up the comic since the change were EXACTLY THE SAME DRAWING WITH THE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS SLIGHTLY ALTERED OR A HAND MOVED. Cut and paste is one thing, but this is bloody excessive. Ugh... I'll give it a couple more updates. For the rest, Starslip Crisis is consistently updating weekdays, 10k Commotion updates almost never, but it's always nice when it does, Sam & Max is slow going and not nearly as funny as I remember Sam & Max being, Reckless Youth is digital goodness, even if the next month will be slow going (I can't help but love Claude's style), and I don't know when The Menagerie updated last, so I don't know when it's been too long since an update. I'll have to find out what Jops is up to. I skipped The Archive because even if it didn't update regularly, it's a resource more than entertainment. If you want to track down where some character has popped up (or even some artist...it lists where I showed up in The Menagerie and Legostar Galactica). Oh, and I just added Legostar Galactica, so it gets a free pass on not updating for...one week (I'm feeling generous), though I doubt Dusan will need it.

So, tallying that up, we have:

5 comics not updating
9 comics currenly updating regularly (one of those in danger of getting the axe)
and 1 comic that was at least regular before I linked it

I'm not saying this is proof that I'm the kiss of death to a comic when I link it. Linkage from me is more like an albatross, hung about the neck...that occassionally also gives the recipient the bird flu. And SARS. And maybe chicken pox, just to be sure.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean Legostar Galactica isn't updating??? I haven't missed a day yet!

6:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh... i see... perhaps I should have actually read the whole post. Still, you're right, I won't need that week.

7:05 AM  
Blogger Noise Monkey said...

You better not!

12:39 PM  
Blogger Chuck Cottrell said...

I want to test this for possible offensive uses. Monkey, link a comic we don't like!

1:42 PM  
Blogger Noise Monkey said...

I can think of a comic I'd like to see die, but it is such an abomination that I don't think I could bring myself to type in the link to it. I've already mentioned how I hate said superhero comic.

6:15 AM  

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