Sunday, September 04, 2005

And a Dollar Short.

Well, as you may or may not have noticed, I never got Thursday's comic up. When I realized that I didn't have it done and it was already Sunday, I decided just to go ahead and put it up for Tuesday. As it looks now, if I had, there wouldn't have been time to get Tuesday's done (or maybe there would've been, I don't know), so I guess it's good we got it out of the way already. Besides, how many of you really would've gone back to see Thursday? I mean, there's the couple of you that read in chunks at a time, I guess, but then you'll just see it on Tuesday's archive page anyway, so you lost a click. Sorry. Anyway, I'm going to try not to miss days again (and also start doing Troubled Times again soon), but it may be a bit spotty as my hand starts getting used to this again. Not to mention that since my hand is a bit spastic it takes me a lot longer to finish strips that I've inked with it.

LOTS of clean up required.

Anyway, thanks for hanging with me. Both of you have been really patient. You can tell your friends to come back. Its ok, now!

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