Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Jungle V.I.P

Well, I've been working at the U of O for just a bit more than a month. I'm REALLY enjoying it. I don't know what I'm doing, yet (I would if I did the same thing during the summer as I do during the year...or at least in the same quantities), but I'm starting to get a handle on it. I tend to dress up a bit, you know, shirt, tie, that bit, and everybody seems really impressed with it. It's kind of strange. Anyway, since school started back today, I finally have people coming in, so it isn't just me, the librarian and...well, I don't know what the woman I work with's position is exactly, but she's the one I answer to most of the time. I haven't figured out if that's by the structure of the chain of command (so to speak) or if it's just by her design, but I don't really care either way. I'm not wearing the blue vest and that's enough.

And you've probably noticed, by this point, at least, that our rantspaces have changed a bit. Well, in order to simplify some of the nonsense we go through, we've started using blogs to post. We'll see how it works, but I think it was a good idea. If not...well, it wasn't MY idea. Cricket thought of it.



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