Monday, July 09, 2007

And Nothing but the Tooth...

So, the little guy is teething. It's always fun to see him passing these little milestones, but I really wish he wasn't going by them so bleeding fast. Seven months used to seem like an eternity. Now it's just a flash. He does so many things that I'm sure he's not supposed to do yet, mostly because I'm not ready for him to, and it's frustrating. Not because I don't think I've been taking advantage of my time with him...I'm a good father, at least to a baby...but because there's hardly time to savor the flavor of each new thing before another comes rolling down the pipes.

I love me a good mixed metaphor.

Of course, I constantly worry about him. Mostly because there are certain kinks in our system that we haven't worked out yet. He's the first and that makes him the guinea pig.

I should know.

And then, there's the worry about what unfortunate traits I've unwittingly passed on to him. For instance, I have what could be described as symptoms of ADD. They come from a different place, but with similar results. That probably contributes to the fact that I rarely write one of these posts in less than three bursts.

Usually more.

Also, I forget where I'm going with this. And that's sad, because it was amusing when I was thinking of hours ago.



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