Friday, September 01, 2006

Not Again!

So, I was at Wal-Mart yesterday.

It was right after work, so I was still in my khakis (which I have a crease pressed in), a long-sleeved, button-down, collared shirt (tiny blue and white squares), and a red and white necktie with little blue diamonds in the white spaces.

I was walking near the hardware section (on my way to electronics for a new case for my toy phone) when this "southern gentleman" (redneck with a mullet in a beer-stained wife-beater) asked me, "Where do you keep your (some item that Wal-Mart carries that I was suddenly too irritated to hear)?"

I did not use the element of surprise to swivel him around and impale him on the pegs sticking out of the end-cap display beside him.

That's what we call, in these parts, restraint.



Blogger Chuck Cottrell said...

Funny, I'd have called it a "missed opportunity to improve the gene pool."

2:39 PM  

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