Whose Pants are These Anyway?
Movies have been a mixed bag for me lately. It's been quite a while since cash and opportunity have allowed for seeing many of them, so when the local movie rental joint started offering $1.50 per movie for 5 nights if you rent on Wednesday. Its a good deal, so last week we took advantage of it and got 4. I don't remember what 2 of them were at the moment (Tuesday and Wednesday I worked from 8am-8pm, so I'm a bit loopy), but Batman Begins was definitely the high point...Monster-In-Law was the low point. ...Oh yeah...Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (which I'd already seen) and A Series of Unfortunate Events, which was rather spiff. This week's selections are not off to a good start. Last night we watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, or, as I like to refer to it, Stock Plot Ensemble Chick Flick #842. It was like four movies that had been done to death separately (at least 2 as afternoon specials) just, cut down, thrown together in the guise of being about four friends who spend most of the movie not together. It even had the little punk kid who starts out a brat, becomes cool then dies cliche. The most interesting character had to be Brian McBrian, an arcade game fanatic who spent his days playing Dragon's Lair (the 3d one, not the old school one from my youth that was more cartoon and twitch than actual game...but that made it cool). He wasn't actually interesting for any of those reasons, though. He was interesting because he was an Asian guy named Brian McBrian. I mean, yeah, first name...no problem. If my parents were so-inclined, they totally could've named me Mao Tse Askins or some such, but the last name doesn't follow unless he has an unlikely Scot in his lineage.
However, for a brief moment early in the film, I thought the pants were, in fact, magic. But then the guy came and saved the girl from drowning, so there went that...
At least I have Sky Captain to look forward to. I'm really hoping it doesn't suck... If nothing else, it looks pretty.
However, for a brief moment early in the film, I thought the pants were, in fact, magic. But then the guy came and saved the girl from drowning, so there went that...
At least I have Sky Captain to look forward to. I'm really hoping it doesn't suck... If nothing else, it looks pretty.
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