Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Empire of Fools

Since my last post about Andria's music professor went over so well...I have another one with her involved. Last night we went to a Halloween concert that professor puts on every year. Usually, she'll do a mixture of typical Halloween music and dark themes from movies and the like, and she did so last night. The high points, for me, were the medley from Lord of the Rings and the songs she did from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. To tell the truth, since I was only able to see Sith in the theaters once (curse you poverty!!!), I wasn't entirely sure that she was playing the Sith songs until the last one (the Imperial March), but it rocked nonetheless. Of course, in spite of a request from the main music guy at the U of O (also a Star Wars fan), there were still several idiots who talked through the whole thing, both to their friends and on their cell phones.

I hate cell phones.

Actually, I hate phones in general, but I think I've mentioned that before.

Anyway, while I was there, I was also doing the inking for today's comic, so any rough spots you see in the drawing of the comic are due in no small part to the fact that it was REALLY dark in there, I'm night blind, and arthritis is apparently going to be a problem with my drawing hand (which I broke this summer...yay!). Of course, some should be expected anyway, since I have a horribly unsteady hand without all that. Crushed my dreams of being on the bomb squad at an early age....so sad...

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