Thursday, September 13, 2007


Aaron is 9 months old today. That's extremely cool. The little guy is all over the place, which is fun to watch. He's gotten to be a little daredevil, or as much as one can be when they can't walk. Of course, that may just be a means-to-an-end from his love of all things tech. He loves cell phones and remotes and gadgets. He seems to think that the proper way to interface with them is orally, which is in error, but he'll catch on eventually.

He has yet to fit the computer in his mouth, for which I am grateful.

My boss mentioned that Aaron has now been out as long as he was in, which is approximately true. Perhaps it is because I'm not a terribly sunshiny person, that brought to mind that it's also been only slightly longer than Aaron's 9 months that my grandfather passed away. I wish I'd known him better. I can't help but think that we could've impacted each other in beneficial ways that I'll never know now. I miss him, as I have for years.

I guess that's the way it has to be when you don't live near family and you lack the ability to pop over and visit whenever.

I still wish Aaron had met him.

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