Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I'm feeling pretty good about last night. I got a lot done. Precious little of consequence, I suppose, but still a lot was done.

I started by getting two strips drawn and inked while Andria was in choir practice. That's 2 strips in an hour and twenty minutes! That's practically burning up the page for me. Then, when we got home, my dad came over and we started work on putting the carpet in Aaron's room. Got the baseboards up, the pad down, the excess cut off the carpet roll and right now its sitting to relax the wrinkles out of it.

Granted, I know nothing about laying carpet, so a great deal of the time, I was standing there like a moron while Dad did stuff, but...I was in the room!

Anyway, after that, I managed to get those two comics slapped together in color and such. It was quite fulfilling.

When, you might ask, will these strips see digital daylight? Probably never, but I am getting in a groove, I think, which I've been missing for some time now. I think this might actually be a good sign.



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